Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Knipmode 3.2016 #15

I really like oversized shirts and wanted to make one to wear at home with stretchy pants and be comfy, comfy, comfy. Going through my patterns and magazines didn't turn up anything that was right until I got to my few issues of Knipmode. They had one that looked like it would be perfect without modifications.

This shirt has a collar with a little half stand like I've sewn before in some Burda shirts and jackets. Drop shoulder. Sleeves are 3/4 length with cuffs and plackets. Big in-seam pockets and also a couple of patch pockets on the back (I decided to just use one). Shirt-tail hem. There's a center back seam, but it doesn't have any shaping.

Construction was straightforward. Good thing, because these magazines are in Dutch! I made it pretty much exactly like the original design, referring to the line drawing to see the details on the topstitching. The only alteration was blending out from a 44 to a 48 at the hip.

The result was very satisfying! The shoulders sit very nicely and the sleeves hang without a lot of folds under the arm or twisting - that's a problem I often have with extended or drop shoulders. I like the length, too.

patch pocket in the back

placket & cuff

selfie time

The hardest part of this project was finding buttons. Little shirt size buttons just wouldn't look right on something as oversized as this. Sourcing buttons has gotten to be a challenge. I used to rely on Jo-Ann's. but now they carry mostly craft buttons and a few apparel buttons in black, white, and metallic. Then for a while there was a thrift shop where I could count on finding clothing with buttons to salvage, but they closed up.  Internet sources are problematic because you really want to see them against your fabric.

The experience makes me want to sew more Knipmode, so I'll be on watch for other things I can make from my issues. This pattern will no doubt be made again. Shirts are fun to change up with different yokes, collars, bands, etc.

I may complete one more project in 2023...if the buttons come in time.


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